Welcome to OLMC’s blog! We hope these posts give you some insight into our approach to education and why we love what we do. Because this is a new edition of our website, we haven’t fully transferred all of our archived material, which spans back several years and offers an even more complete glimpse into who we are and how we accomplish our goal of preparing children for lives of eternal purpose. Please be patient with us and check back often, as we’ll be hard at work both adding new content and updating our archive!

Classical Liberal Arts Johanna Webber Classical Liberal Arts Johanna Webber

“As a Man Thinketh, so Is He…”: The Beauty of Memorization

Poetry, in particular, is an aide to learning. By requiring children to decode language that is presented in a distinct and non-colloquial manner, poetry strengthens a student’s capacity for decoding language and diagnosing text in a way that prose cannot. It also introduces students to a use of the language they would not have otherwise imagined—and provides them with inspiration and a model for their own creative employment of terms, imagery, and linguistic device.

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Classical Liberal Arts Johanna Webber Classical Liberal Arts Johanna Webber

How to Enchant a Child

Here at OLMC, we embrace our responsibility as teachers to foster and nurture that sense of wonder in our students. It is our mandate. It is what students are made to do; it sustains them throughout their formal education; it prepares them for living their lives as faithful and intellectually alive members of the Church and community; and it translates to better test scores. I’m delighted to report that it is happening here every day.

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